Thursday, November 27, 2014


Nov 23rd

the 6th floor museum is the old Texas Depository building that Lee Harvey Oswald  was in to shoot President Kennedy. He was on the 6th floor.  Dealey Plaza is the Grassy Knoll where alot of people think they heard more shots coming from.  There are all sorts of conspiracy theories but nothing ever proved.  It was very interesting. Everyone had headphones for an audio tour. When you came to a display, you clicked on the number and  it told all about it. Pictures weren't allowed. We saw  the window that Oswald stood with packing boxes all around to hide him.  Looked out at his view.  

The day before we went was the 51st anniversary. 

Grassy Knoll

Wanted to show where the grassy knoll is in relation to the building. Grassy Knoll is  left, building on right

Room is the on the far right, 2nd from top. 

Close up of room, notice the boxes at the window

 Old Dallas

New Dallas, quite the contrast. I took both of these pictures from the grassy knoll, just looking in 2 different directions.  Sharon said that the tell skinny building is a resturant

Driving into Dallas on our own was quite the experience.  Freeways crisscrossing on top of each other. Missed our last turn so went back on freeway.  Luckily the Garmin came thru but nerve wracking to get lost in the city. So glad we were there on a Sunday.  It was an experience that we hope never to do again!

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