Sunday, November 16, 2014


Nov 13,

There are several caves in this area, Mammoth cave is over 400 miles long and ranks as one of the longest caves in America.  We only had time to see two, so the first one was the Lost River Cave.  You have to take a boat to tour the cave.  It doesn't have the beauty of regular caves with all the formations, but had never been to one that you had to have a boat.  You go thru a narrow, shallow passageway and it opens up into large rooms. During the Civil War, Kentucky was a neutral state. This cave hid  both Union and Confederate soldiers, of course at different times.  

From 1933 to the early 60's, there was a nightclub at the entrance.  You can see the original cover, floor and bar. The black spaces in the back is where they kept the alcohol. 

Original area where the band played. 

As you can see, we had to duck down to get past the opening. This was our guide.  It was dark inside so I didn't really get any good pictures. There was light enough for us to see. 

Our next cave was the Diamond Cave. One of the smallest, but they say, the prettiest. We have been to several caves around the country and we agreed that this was the prettiest. Pictures don't really do it justice, but here are a few. There were over 300 steps. 

The large ball at the bottom  got so heavy that it fell off the stalactite formation at the top

We also went to a local winery that was in a hotel/gun club.  Had to take a picture of their barbecue.  So fitting for a gun club

This wheelchair was in the hotel.  It is made for wounded veterans so that they can go outside and hunt anywhere they want. Amazing chair. They said it is used alot

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