Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Nov 15 -16th

Came to Memphis to visit my cousin, Nancy and her husband, Tim.  They have lived here 22 years. Saturday  they took us on a tour all over Memphis. Nice to have locals show us the sights, everywhere from the waterfront, to Beale Street, the birthplace of rock n' roll and the blues, to an Asian/ Jewish Museum.

Waterfront- Statue of Tom Lee.   In 1925 he was in his fishing boat. He saw a ship capsize. Even tho he couldn't swim he rescued 35 people, taking a few at a time to shore and  then back to the ship. Even tho he was black, he didn't hesitate at all to rescue those white people. being 1925, I doubt it.  I wonder if the tables were  turned  would that have happened.  They built a sculpture to honor him.

 Nancy and Tim, my first cousins

Statue, Amazing details

It was  very cold

Beale Street, the birthplace of rock n' roll and the blues. A must see in Memphis

2nd best  place to eat in Memphis, according to Tim

best place to eat in Memphis, bar none, according to Tim

General store has been open over 100 years

Inside store, original counter

Nancy and Tim took us to one of the hidden treasures of Memphis, an Asian/Jewish museum. Strange combination.  Beautiful pieces

Jade Examples

Ivory, amazing details

Close up of the picture above

Rosewood bed made in 1644

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