Monday, November 10, 2014


Nov 10th

One of the must see things to do here is see the wall.  It is a long concrete paneled wall on the waterfront that depicts the history of Paducah.. It was founded in 1827 by William Clark of Lewis and Clark fame. He went thru here on his journey and liked it so well, he came back to settle.  The wall is an amazing thing to see. Can't imagine how long it took the artist

Close up of wall

looking in one direction, notice the open space on the right side. The Ohio River is behind.  Wanted to show how close it is to the waterfront. 

Looking in the other direction

The waterfront behind the wall. Looking at the Ohio River

Downtown Historic Paducah, I love all the old buildings

Also found a couple of unusual  geocaches. Notice how tiny the first one is. Denny found it on the chain

This one is a fake plate against an electrical box. Tricky. We have learned to look for these

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