Friday, January 10, 2020


JANUARY 9, 2020

Yesterday Lynn and I went on another hike to Brown's Ranch Trailhead in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve, which is only  couple of miles from her house. There are so many trails in the area. You could go somewhere different all the time.  This wasn't quite as steep and rocky as Pinnacle Peak, but alot less crowded and more into nature. No houses around. We walked about 2.5 miles.

I'm standing in front of an Ocotilla Cactus. When it blooms, it has beautiful red flowers. To the right are the Squaro Cactus

Round Top Mountain

 This bunny wasn't afraid of humans at all

Think they are Mr and Mrs's

This is a Prickly Pear cactus. I had a margarita made of this at Saguaro National park. Very tasty

 Barrel Cactus

This is a Colla Cactus. It is called the jumping Cactus because the little balls seem to jump out at you as you walk by. BE VERY CAREFUL. The stickers  have to be dug out of your clothes with a pliers. That has happened to me.

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