Wednesday, January 8, 2020


January 8, 2020

I have been terrible about excising since I have been on the road. Back home I go to Bootcamp twice a week and Zumba/Commit/MixFit 3 times a week. I seem to loose my willpower when we travel. Since I have been in Scottsdale, Lynn and I have walked almost everyday. Today we went on a hike to Pinnacle Peak with her friend, Blake. We were going to do the whole hike, but they decided to just do a part of it. Fine with me since i haven't really hiked in 2 years. We went 5500 steps, 2.2 miles and the equivalent of 21 floors of stairs.

The very top is Pinnacle Peak

My friend Lynn and I

Had to show you pictures of just a few of the very large homes. Amazing how big they are, can't imagine living in such a large house, let alone cleaning it. Of course, if you re rich enough to live in a house like this, you probably hire it out

Hopefully since I have started  walking and hiking, I will keep up with it when we leave next Tuesday. Crossing my fingers 

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