Monday, January 27, 2020


January 25, 2020

Saturday, Denny and I met Lynn, our friend from Scottsdale at the Wilcox Wine Festival in downtown Phoenix.  Most of the wines were from Southern AZ. We have been there many times, but not in several years. So many more wineries than when we were there. So glad we were at the festival  when it opened.   By the time we were almost ready to leave, it was packed. They gave out beautiful wine glasses. Surprised, because we thought they would give us plastic because of the pavers on the ground. It was outdoors.  Had just been talking about what would  happen if  someone breaks a glass AND then Denny dropped his. Hate to admit it, but it was actually my fault. We were picking up the pieces and a lady from one of the booths gave us a replacement. How nice of her. Now we have 2 matching souvenir glasses

Lynn and Denny

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