Wednesday, January 15, 2020


January 13, 2020

The last 2 days we were in Scottsdale, Lynn and I went hiking again. Wanted to take advantage of having someone to go with. First we just went just out her  front door and across the street to an area called the Boulders. 

A memorial to a man that had passed away, but loved to hike her. The plaque on the right has his name. What a nice gesture to do

This is a view on the hike. The houses in the foreground look very close together but are actually 3-4 acres apart from each other. Lynn and Rolf's house is the top right with black color panels on the roof

This is Bunny Rock because it looks like bunny ears

I had never seen a red prickly pear cactus, only green. My  Prickly Pear Margarita drink was red, so it was probably made from this. I had been wondering where the red color came from 

The last day, we went on the Marcus Landslide Trail from Tom Thumbs Trailhead . Beautiful
 day, beautiful scenery

Mushroom Rocks

Thought I would post the signage about the Mushroom rocks instead of writing about it. I thought it was interesting, but, I like this kind of thing

The area in front of Lynn was the biggest landslide in Arizona, probably 500,00 years ago. It started on the far right to the far left

The big clump on the right is mistletoe. It is a parasite and will eventually kill the tree. Notice the bird at he top

My friend, Lynn

The fountain in the background is at the  Fountain Hills Community. It goes off every day at noon for about 15 minutes.

The strange things hanging from the Cholla cactus are flowers that have already bloomed. Have never seen a Chola bloom.

A mushroom rock that has fell over.

Lots of limbs on this Saguaro cactus.  Amazing to me why some Saguaro's have lots of limbs, others none. 

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