Thursday, January 16, 2020


January 16, 2020

Here are some  miscellaneous pictures I took but can't really put them in any category, so thought I'd just post them

We met friends at the Barrio Queen Restaurant.  They are from Friday Harbor. We first met them in Parker, AZ many years ago,  now they winter in Lake Pleasant, AZ, not far from Scottsdale.  Nice to reconnect with friends along the way.  I ordered a margarita.  Looking at this glass, you could think you had more to drink than you thought. Have never seen a crooked glass

We have seen lots of cell towers camouflaged as Palm Trees, but never a cactus covering up electrical wires. Saw this on a walk not far from Lynn and Rolf's house

Never expected to see white duck tape covering up a dent, especially in a mall in Scottsdale

This was taken on the back deck of the Ausen home

Sunset in Scottsdale

This was actually taken in Cornville, AZ at a winery. Thought it was a clever chandelier for a winery

We have never seen a doggie menu at a restaurant. We were here for Sunday breakfast. We ordered off the human menu. Delicious, love going out for breakfast........ lunch and dinner too

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