Thursday, December 10, 2020


 December 9, 2020

I went hiking with my cousin, Elaine yesterday. She and a friend of hers had decorated 2  trees on the trail.  They carried the ornaments at least 2 miles to find the right trees. It was nice to see a little Christmas in an unexpected place. Last year they had decorated a tree at the top of "The steps". Someone built 350 steps up the side of a hill. Alot of people added ornaments, but there were some complaints about "defacing nature" so they had to take them down. Amazing what some people complain about, the ornaments were temporary, not permanent.  We hiked 5 miles, certainly different hiking in the desert than at home in the mountains!

There is a big rock that has some Petroglyphs on it. It was a smart move to put a fence around it or I'm sure it would have been defaced.

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