Friday, December 25, 2020


 December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas to all. This has certainly been a crazy  year with COVID. Hopefully 2021 will be a better year and end all this craziness.  We have all had to change things around, especially during the holidays. This is the first time in many years that my family in Washington hasn't gotten together for Christmas. Hoping it will just make next Christmas even more special.  Because we are retired, our routine hasn't really changed that much. We are together 24/7 anyway and we rarely go to restaurants. The biggest thing for me is that my gym closed, so I am taking classes on Zoom.  We decided to continue on with our snowbird trip because we are still in our own little bubble, just in better weather.  

Our Park still does all their activities but we haven't done any of them. Too many people, too close together. All we have done is see the Christmas Golf cart parade last night.  People decorated their golf carts and went up and down the streets of the park. We had our propane fire pit going and I fixed hot spiced wine to watch everyone go by. Unfortunately there were only 3,  but  we did then walk around the park to see all the lights.  They did throw out candy and Denny got 2 pieces. He was happy!

The pictures didn't turn  out very well but wanted to show you anyway. I took them with my phone and don't know how to adjust for dark

My heart goes out to all the families that have had to deal with Covid, especially those that died. So tragic, can't imagine how they feel. We have had 2 people in  my family on my Dad's side that almost died, but luckily they pulled through.   Thank heavens. Kudos to all the first responders on the front lines!! Without them, there would be alot more deaths

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