Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 December 29, 2020

A few days ago I was coming back from getting the mail and there was a maintenance man in a golf cart raking the sand in the next site. He asked me where we from in Washington, he had noticed the license plate on the truck. I said Renton, 11 miles south of Seattle. His wife graduated from Liberty HS, the closest HS to where we live. Our son graduated from there. We talked about the ice rink, Jerrbery's, a restaurant, the IGA grocery store and Doofers, a tavern.  His wife grew up not too far from us. He said he graduated from Mount SI. Couldn't believe it because that's also where I graduated from. It is located in Snoqulmie, just a small town on the way to Snoqulmie Pass. Of course, I graduated many years before him, I'm as old as his grandmother. Who would have thought I'd meet somebody  in AZ that went to the same school as me and whose wife grew up in the same town that we live in.

Such a small world somwtimes!

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