Wednesday, December 23, 2020


 DECEMBER 23, 2020

I have been hiking twice a week. On Mondays I hike with Lynn, my friend from Kirkalnd, Wa, on Mondays. They moved to Scottsdale full time a few years ago. These pictures are from 2 of the hikes we have done so far. 

This first picture is another tree decorated for Christmas.  All of these ornaments are breakable. I would think it would have been hard to carry them all up the trail with no breakage. 

Hiking in the desert is so different than hiking in the mountains. They say the desert has it's own beauty, but so far, I can't see it. I am spoiled by the Northwest greenery and mountains

These are some of the pictures from hiking with my cousin, Elaine, on Wednesdays. On one of the hikes, my other cousin, Ann, joined us. I already showed you some in a previous post. 

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