Saturday, January 8, 2011


January 8, 2011

Can't believe how the weather turned since we left Palm Springs. It was suppose to be 65 degrees the day we left. Today, 68.  Made it to Patterson, Ca.  Woke up this morning to 39 degrees out.  I know we haven't had real warm weather since we left, but 39 was a tad cold for us.  Had to put on our jackets. Made it today to Phoenix, Or. We hadn't planned on going this far, but the weather was so good for the Siskiyou's.  It has been cloudy for 2 days. Just before we got to Weed, our first destination, the skies cleared and it was 53 degrees.  Amazing for January.  Decided to go for it. By the time we got to the Summit, it was 29 degrees and cloudy, but no snow.  We were so lucky. In Phoenix it is 32.  Not liking this. We knew we had to be concerned about the Siskiyou's, but never thought about Seattle. The Times said it could snow on Sunday or later on in the week, 6 to 12".  NOT LIKING THAT AT ALL!

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