Wednesday, January 12, 2011

SNOW--What's up with that!

January 11, 2011

We got back Tues. the 10th  at 2:30 pm. Spent the rest of the day unloading.  You load gradually so you don't realize how much stuff you have.  I have it down pretty good, except  for clothes. Still take way to many. The bad thing about having a lot of storage is that you have a tenancy to fill it. Our closets are almost as big as we have at our house.

The evening we got home it went down to 29 degrees. Way to cold for us. Last night the  snow started around six and didn't stop until just before  we went to bed.   At least it is now raining. A good thing.  It is quite a coincidence ( we think) that we left the day before it snowed and got back the day before it snowed.

One thing I have to say about Los Angeles. We noticed it last year and it is still the same. The  TV weather and traffic ladies wear their clothes a little too short, a little too tight and a little too revealing. Not really very professional. The anchor women dress nicely. If there is a  TV traffic guy or weatherman, they dress in suits. Very professional.  We saw a lot of  TV people we recognised from Seattle in both Ca.and Oregon. Also on the national weather channel. Going up in the world, I guess.

I don't know why, but, we seem to sleep better on the road. No matter how tired I am, it takes forever for me to get to sleep. On the road, I go to sleep right away.  Denny goes to sleep right away, but wakes up anyway from 3-4:30 am, 5 if he is lucky. On the road, he sleeps in later.  I don't know if it is because we are more relaxed or what.

 This will be my last posting until  we leave again next fall/winter. We spent  $1250 on diesel.  We traveled only 3500 miles. Of course, we were only gone 7 weeks. Last year we were gone 5 months and traveled 12,000 miles.  What a difference. I just found out that it is suppose to be 80 degrees in Palm Springs this weekend. Seems wrong to me!

I'll  send another email out when we start traveling later this year. Take care

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you had to come home early. You can take an extra long trip next year. :-) A positive, you'll be home for Zach's birthday. LOL! Welcome home!
