Thursday, January 6, 2011

One of the Mysteries of Life -- Solved

January 4, 2011

We make our coffee up the night before so all we have do to is push the start button in the morning. I don't program it because we never know when we'll get up. We have a Grind and Brew Cuisinart.  Ever since we started out, there has been a little clear water on the counter.  Couldn't figure it out. Last week when we got up in the morning, there was no water in the reservoir. I  have such a terrible memory that I just thought I forgot to fill it the night before.  On the 4th morning, I distinctly remembered filling it the night before, but it was empty. After further investigation, I discovered the cupboard beneath our stove was on all wet.  I guess there is a crack in the coffee pot and by morning it was all leaked out.  At least I wasn't forgetting. Time for a new coffeepot.

That solved one of the Mysteries of Life, but the one  from last year I never have figured out. How come my bathing suit and other clothes srunk in the drawers over the winter?   That didn't happen to Denny. I'll never figure that one out.

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