Saturday, January 1, 2011

Stinky, Stinky

December 28,2010

Denny decided we needed new tires so off we went to Costco.  After we got home, we went for our daily walk.  I smelled what I thought were sewers backed up because of all the flooding.  It wasn't too bad, but definitely not a fresh smell. Later we were watching TV.  I smelled something even inside the RV.  I looked at our sinks, nothing there.  I opened the door and, let me tell you, I closed it as fast as I could. The smell was overwhelming.  I finally was experiencing what I had heard about.  There is a dairy farm north of us. I have heard that when the wind is just right, the smell is overpowering. Well, it certainly was.  It was the most potent smell I had ever smelled.  PHEW!  Now that I know what it was, I have smelled it before, just not too bad.  I opened the door, very slowly,  before we went to bed. No smell.  Once the flooding went down, this is a very nice park.  At least it was before the big smell!  It still is, but I could do without the smell. At least it is only once in a while.  We like it enough that we would come again.  On the other side of the dairy farm is a very exclusive gated community.  The front gates face the farm. If we smell it, I'm sure they can. They are just as close. I would think anybody that could afford those homes, wouldn't like the smell. Can't imagine why people would buy there.

This is the view from the back of our RV. There are canals going thru the park

I took this from inside the RV. You can see the glare. This is the view from the other side. The geese slept like this for quite a while

Once they woke up, they walked right in front of me. I took this standing on the steps.  They wander all over the park like they own it.

Denny bought me the flowers. What a surprise. I think I'll keep him

When Denny went to Bank Of America to get quarters for the laundry,  he noticed something a little strange. The tellers are all behind 1 and 1/2" Plexiglas.  They do all the work below the glass in a pass thru at the bottom. Never seen that before.

For  parking at the Rose Bowl Parade and Game, the local golf course opens the greens for cars to park on. I have never heard of that. Golf courses groom the greens so much that I would think the weight of cars would do a lot of damage. There is room for 2000 cars.  We thought it was a little weird.

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