Wednesday, January 5, 2011

We need a new navigator

January 5, 2011

I failed as the navigator yesterday. I'm the one that figures out which  roads to take wherever we are going. Most of the time (99.9%) I do a pretty good job. Well, not yesterday. We left Wilderness Lakes at Menifee, Ca. and traveled to Palm Springs.  The  1st freeway looked way out of our way, so I chose a different road.  It looked good on the map without many towns along the way.  WRONG!  It was like Highway 99 in Seattle. Stoplights almost every block.  It took us over an hour just to get to the 2nd freeway to Palm Springs. The maps really didn't match the streets so I got us lost in Hemut TWICE!  I had Denny turn when we should have gone straight. It is a little tough to find places to turn around with the Monster.  Then we were almost to the freeway and I missed the on ramp. This little connecting freeway wasn't even on the map. At least, not that I could tell.  That was a tough one to turn around, but Denny did it.  Because of my bad judgement, it took us over 2 hours to go 67 miles.  Never made 3 mistakes before.
Bad Girl!

When we finally got to the park, over half of the sites didn't have electricity.  The people at the gate didn't tell us which ones, only that some had it, some didn't.  We found a spot and we were backing in. We almost got done when the next door lady came over and said that the site didn't have power. If they didn't get it fixed tomorrow, they couldn't fix it for 4-6 weeks ( had to order a part). They were going to a motel because he needed oxygen at night. They were in a park model, so they couldn't change sites. They were pretty upset.  Denny has a meter but didn't think to check it.  We decided to go to another site. A guy who was also moving  had a map of the good sites. They had given it to him at the gate. Not us, what's up with that.?  Anyway we went to a good site that we liked even better. Denny checked the power before we backed in. It was good. The problem is all the parks were built many years ago. RVs weren't as big as they are now and there is much more electrical stuff in them (computers, air conditioners etc). They haven't upgraded. It isn't just this park, but all of them.  Then got the dish set up for TV. It was one of the best  receptions we have had. I was watching it and all of the sudden we lost the signal.  The guy next to us had pulled his motorhone in so deep that it blocked our line of sight. That took another hour to find a good signal. All total, it took us 3 hours from the time we got there until we finally were done. It usually takes 20 minutes.  Very frustrating after getting lost.

Today is beautiful. We have the door open. We just back from our first hot tub for the season. They have mineral hot springs here so all the water comes out of their own well.  The well is 186' deep.  Water flows thru it and pumps it daily so it changes completely several times an hour. Not sure I understand it all. It was very  nice, around 103 degrees.

Finally wearing my flip flops and capri's again,  YEA! The weather this week is suppose to be 65-68 degrees.  Cooler than usual, but wonderful to us.

Every site in our area is surrounded by a 7' hedge. RV's are taller, but at least it gives you some privacy. Not many people taller than 7'. 

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