Thursday, January 6, 2011

Going Home

January 6, 2011

 These are views from the entrance of the park.  Taken around 4:00pm.When we left in the morning, there was not a clud in the sky.

Tomorrow we are heading home.  My dad isn't doing well at all. He has health issues,  but when we left he was doing as fine as he could.  A few days later, he took a turn for the worse. He is 92 and my mom is 89 next month. I talk to them everyday, but it isn't the same. Ray and Mary, my brother and his wife, went over for Thanksgiving and have never left.  They are living there 99.9 % of the time. My Dad needs so much more care than he did when we left. Ray is doing an excellent job, but I feel I should be there to help.  We have many years to go traveling.

The park has now got all the electrical problems fixed except for a small area. They turned off the power in the entire park for 2 hours to get it done. We are so lucky to have been in a full power site. A lot of people were in the pool and hot tub to keep warm. We went twice just because we like it.  Park models don't have propane, so they  lost all  of  their freezer and frig food.

We really  like Palm Springs. The weather was 65 degrees today. We went to old Palm Springs today to get a pair of sunglasses. Last year, I bought a pair of bifocal reader sunglasses. I use them all the time.  I bought it in 3 different areas, but liked the ones at Palm Springs the best. They broke a few weeks ago. Surprisingly, even tho it had been a year, we went straight to the shop. Unfortunately, they were out. Won't get a new shipment in for 2 weeks. My luck! Oh well, there is always next year. We will definitely be back.

It will take us 5 days and 4 nights to get back. Hopefully the Siskiyou Mountains will be okay. They are between Oregon and California. They are the reason we like to leave early to get across them before snow.

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