Thursday, December 27, 2012


We  are  at  our  3rd  official  destination,  Parker,  AZ.   We  traveled  here  Christmas  Day.  That   is  a  great  day  for  traveling,  no traffic.  We  actually  got  in  4.5  hours,  instead  of  5.
This  isn't  the  greatest  park,  but  it  certainly  is  the  friendliest.  We  met  several  couples  last  year  that  we  kept  in  touch  with  over  the  summer.  Within  30  minutes  of  us  pulling  in,  we  met  3  new  people,  2  parked  behind  and  one  beside  us.    Also  had  2  couples  come  over  that  we  knew  from  last  year.   Last  night,  we  attended  a  bon  fire  with  4   couples that  we  knew  from  before.     One  couple  is  from  Friday  Harbor.   Went for a walk yesterday and ran into 2 more that we knew.   Today, we ran into 2 more  couples.  Alot  of   people  come  to   this  park  year  after  year  for  the  entire winter.   We know  people  that  have  been  coming 7-8 years  or  more.  We  still  like  to  travel,  not  stay  in  one  place.  We   plan   to  stay  here  the   longest,  probably  6-7 weeks.   The  only  other  place  we  stay  that  long  is  Palm  Springs.  It   isn't  as  friendly,  but  we  like  the  weather  and  the  pool/hot tub. We  met   people there  that  we have  kept  in   contact  with,   just   not  as  many.
We are in T shirts. YAHOO!  There is no rain predicted for the entire month of January.   I bet  we  don't  have  any  rain  until  we  leave  Palm  Springs  at  the  end  of  April.  No  rain  and  70  degrees  sounds  like  heaven  to  us.
We  went  geocaching  yesterday  and  found  our  first   FTF.  That  means  FIRST TO FIND.   It  is  hard  to  be  the  first  one.   We   probably  wouldn't  have  gone  so  soon  except  our  friends,  Bob  and  Lou  had  hid   it only  a  few  days  before  and  no  one  had  found it.  It  was  in  the  park  beside  us,  so  off  we  went  for   a   walk.   We  certainly  got  our  exercise  for  the  day,  probably  walked  3.5  miles.  Certainly  didn't  need  to  go  on  our  daily  bike  ride. 
Along the trail
Finding the cache in the top of the pipe.
Lifting it off and seeing the actual cache inside

We now have to buy our water. We only use water out of the tap for showers and washing dishes.  You don't realize how much you use until you have to start buying it. We brought 5   1 gallon jugs.  We  use  about  1 gallon  a  day.   We have to buy water all over AZ and Texas.

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