Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Dec 4, 2012

As some of you know, we have been in the middle of the Northern Ca. rain storms.  They called  it Northern Ca,  but it went all the way down  to LA.  It has rained here everyday since we got here. Yesterday  we woke up to NO RAIN.  I told Denny it was nice to wake up to no rain. That is usually  something I would say in Washington, not in California.  Sunday  I did laundry and I had to jump over puddles to get to the door.  Not one puddle today.  YAHOO!  We were in a higher spot, but we saw one RV/truck in the middle of a moat.  Couldn't get out without stepping in water.  So far, 2 days without rain.  Hope it continues.

Denny  had to do some maintenance on the RV when we got here. He had to change out the kitchen faucet.  Even though he changed it a few years ago,  it has been leaking ever since we left.  When things sit for 6 months,  there can always be problems.   Luckily there was a plumbing store here and we got their last brushed chrome faucet.  Hollister  has 36,000 people,  but no Home Depot, Lowe's, Costco or Walmart.  It is 14 miles away. There are 2 towns in between, but they only have 200 and 500 people.

Even though I have my own Internet, the connections here are very bad and weak. Sometimes I have it, sometimes I don't. I came to the clubhouse because they have a free connection and in walks a guy we met in Utah  last year.  Small world.  That's what this is all about--meeting new people and seeing them on the road at different places.  I have already heard from friends in Parker that they are waiting and anxious  for us to get there.

Went for our 3rd bike ride yesterday,  but didn't get far. FLAT TIRE.  Before we left, Denny noticed it was flat. He put air into it and we hoped it was just from sitting. No luck.  I only got up to the clubhouse and it was completely flat.  The roads in the park are gravel and dirt,  with alot of ruts. Luckily we brought a tire kit.  Hopefully it doesn't keep happening.

One nice thing about traveling in the RV is that we seem to sleep better, especially Denny. We sleep in longer and feel so much more rested when we get up because we sleep more during the night.   I think one of the reasons is that there is always so much going on at home. We have a tendency to wake up thinking about stuff and can't get back to sleep. All that is gone when we are traveling. Denny is much more rested and  more relaxed. He laughs a lot more, which is a good thing. As most of you know, he is a pretty serious guy.

Every  year  we seem to buy things for the truck or RV to make life easier. This past summer,  Denny bought a couple of things for the truck ( I call them his new toys) that will prevent him from saying  "Oh no, what happened,  why did I do that? " . He has said that more than once!  We also bought some things for the inside of the RV  that make us say "Why didn't I do that sooner".

I have taken some pictures along the way to show you, but I am having trouble uploading them. When I finally can do it,  you'll probably get them all at once.

Until next time


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