Saturday, December 1, 2012


Nov. 26, 2012

We finally got to our first lengthy destination last Monday, San Benito Preserve, a Thousand Trails campground.  Will be here 2 weeks. We were here 2 years ago. Our itinerary this year is a combination of our 1st 3 years. No new campgrounds this year, first time that has happened.
This is actually a summer season park, so there aren't many activities going on. From now on, all are high season winter campgrounds. It has been on the national news, but if you haven't heard, we are in the middle of a big storm in California, from LA up. It has been raining ever since we got here. I should say POURING. We are in a good spot, but we saw one RV surrounded by a moat of water. Couldn't step out of his rv or truck without getting in water. This is what it was like 2 years ago. We had rain all the way to Palm Springs. Not sure about California next winter. Might have to go straight to Arizona.
There are signs up that there have been sightings of a mountain lion around the park. YIKES!  Luckily we haven't seen it on our walks. We have seen a bobcat. When we were driving into the park yesterday, it was on the grass beside the road.  Denny  also saw one walking around in a wooded area across from us.  It isn't as bad as a  mountain lion, but they can still be very dangerous.
ONLY IN LA-- while watching TV, there have been some ads for caviar, escargot and truffles from a vending machine in a mall.  Not sure if I would get any of those items out of a vending machine, but I'm sure some people would.  The price is from $50 to $500.
Even tho it has been raining , we have tried to either walk or take a bike ride everyday.  I lost some weight during the summer and I certainly don't want to gain it back.  We bought folding bikes with bags this year. I thought we could fold them up and carry them inside while  we are traveling instead of hanging them on the back of the RV. Sounded like a good idea, but NOT.  Every time you fold them, the chain comes off. When you travel everyday, you have to take them in and out.  Denny thinks we'll get a bike rack and put them on the back.
When we were here 2 years ago, we did a lot of touristing around the area, so this time, we will do more relaxing.  Probably only do some wine tasting (3) and geocaching.  Of course, when it rains so hard, not much fun touristing.

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