Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Maintenance and New Toys

Today  we  spent  5  hours  at  the  truck/ hitch  store.   Denny  bought  a  56  gallon  gas  tank.  Our  old  one  was  34  gallons.  We  will  be  able  to  go  500  miles  with  this  one.   He  has  been  thinking  about  it  for  a  few  years  now,  but  we  had  a  couple  of  close  calls  this  year,  so  he decided  to  do  it.  It  is  HUGE.  We  saw  it  when  it  was  out  of  the  box,  but  not  installed  yet.   We  got  diesel  on  the  way  home  and spent  $150  and we  still  had  14  gallons  in  from  before.  Good  thing  for  credit  cards.  We  certainly  don't  carry  that  kind  of  cash  around.
That's  Denny's  new  toy  for  the  truck.  The  new  toy  for  the  RV is  for  both  of  us.   When  we  traveled  before,  we  always  had  a  bag  of  ice  in  the  freezer.  It  is  bulky  and  takes  up  a  lot  of  room  in our tiny freezer.  This  year  we  bought  a  small  portable  ice  maker.   I  saw  one  at  my  cousin Christi's  house  when  we  moved  her.  WE   LOVE   IT.   I   bought   a   small   container  for  the  freezer.  It  takes  up  less  space  and  is  easy  to  stack  things  around.   Wish  we  had  bought  one  sooner. Even  after  4  years  we  still  are  buying  things  to  improve  life  on  the  road.
The  little  bucket  on  the  top  goes  inside  and  that's  what  the  ice  drops  down  into.
Close up of the ice cubes. A little strange- looks like little bullets with holes in them. The container I bought for the freezer is just slightly larger.
For the maintenance part of this story, we had to buy 2 new batteries for the RV.  As most of you know,Denny is always doing maintenance and discovered that one battery was almost dead and the other, very low. Off to the battery store we go. $250 later we have new batteries and we're good to go.
Always something to buy or fix

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