Saturday, December 8, 2012


I think we will finally be drying out and losing our webfeet.  The last 2 days we woke up to clear, blue beautiful skies.  This is what we came south for. It isn't very warm, but we'll take it for now. Any day without rain is a good day.
We are again reminded that Washington has the best recycle program around. The only recycle here is plastic bottles and aluminum cans. We really don't have much of either. We don't drink pop and we refill our water bottles.  It seems like such a shame to throw so much away that we are used to recycling.  Amazing how much garbage we have now.  Also, very few people take the reusable sacks to the grocery store. We see them for sale, and except for us, no one uses them. We saw a lady bring only one  bag and she had an overflowing cart. Go figure.
Rumors, rumors, rumors.  I was in the clubhouse several  days ago and alot of irate people were coming in to talk to the staff.  They had all heard that the water would be shutoff for 4 days. People wanted to know the reason, when  and why no notice.   Turns out, NOT TRUE!  Someone hears something and the rumors starts. I talked to the staff lady and she said if that were to happen, they would certainly  give plenty of notice.  When I got back to the RV,  Denny had heard the same thing and filled our two 50 gallon tanks. Someone had seen him outside working on our bikes and told him.  He drained the tanks. What a waste of water.  Then 3 days ago, we did get a notice that the water would be shut off from 6am to 2pm Friday. For 4 days after that, you are suppose to boil the water because it won't be chlorinated.  Denny again filled the tanks. Friday morning came, no water shutoff.  Seems like now it MIGHT be on Tues. Another waste of water. We are leaving Monday, so it won't effect us.   Seems like no one knows what is going on. Maintenance at all of the Thousand Trails parks has really gone down hill.  Not the same kind of parks when my parents were traveling. I think they would be appalled. 

Denny has been working on our bikes to tweak them a little. We bought a bike rack for the back of the RV and wider, SOFTER seats.  Also he looked at the tires and realized we didn't have nearly the air we were suppose to.  So much more comfortable to ride now.

We had planned to do some sightseeing, geocaching and wine tasting today, but, here I am, in the clubhouse working on the computer. Our Direct TV went out yesterday morning. Called the 800 line and they can't help us. We need someone local. They couldn't give us anyone closer than 50 miles. We saw a Direct TV truck here yesterday. We went over to the RV they were working at and got the number. It is someone local  from Hollister. Now, we are waiting fore them to come. I bet we'll be stuck here all day. Oh well.

So far, no mountain lion sighting. Thank heavens!  I think people don't really know what one looks like.  They saw a bobcat and thought it was a mountain lion. A guy who has worked here 10 years has NEVER seen one. We have seen lots of deer, squirrels and 2 bobcats.

We are leaving Monday to go furthur south. We will be a little southeast of LA.  Hopefully into warmer weather.

Until then.....


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