Saturday, September 6, 2014


Sept 5th, 2014

My mother passed away a year ago today. I think it is very ironic that we were in Billings  today and night. This is the place my parents met and married. They both went to Rocky Mountain College.  It was a working college, which is the only way my parents could have gone.  They were both very poor.  My grandfather gave my Dad $20 and sent him off to Montana.  Ninety percent of your wages went to the college for room and board. My mom worked as a waitress in the dining hall and my Dad sat at her table. As they say, the rest is history.  I took alot of pictures.  I remember seeing some of these same buildings in my folks pictures (minus the tall trees).   The trees have had 71 years to grow. They  didn't tear down any of the old buildings, just added a few more. It is a very beautiful small campus.  It was a very emotional day for me to be there and walk where they walked when they were about 18 and 22. hard to imagine your parents at that age.   

This building housed the dining room where my parents met

This room was the dining room, but it is an auditorium now. The basic structure is the same

The 2 pictures below are views of the women's dorm where my Mom lived

The 2 pictures below show the living area where the women would sit in front of the fireplace, visit and wait for their friends to pick them up.   One of my favorite stories  I heard was that my Mom was waiting in this room for my Dad to pick her up for a dance.  For some reason, the house mother would not let her go.  I can't remember why.  My Dad left but came back right away.  He wanted to take my Mom to the dance and no house mother was going to stop him. He took her and they went to the dance.  Never heard if there were consequences for defying the rules. Can't imagine my Dad angry, that is so unlike him

These are a few buildings on campus. I took so many, but can only show a few, just wanted you to see what a beautiful campus it is

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