Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Sept 10th,

I'm  a  little  behind  on  my  blog  because  I  had  a  few  problems  with  my  computer,  but  all is well now.   One  day, my  wireless  decided  to  die.  The  next  day  my  keyboard  on  my  laptop  started failing.  Both  within  2  days  of  each  other and  we  weren't  around  any big  town  to  fix them.  I really didn't  want  to  but  a  new  computer  on  the  road.  Yesterday  we  arrived  at  Detroit Lakes,  MN.  It is  big enough to have  a  Verizon store and  Wall mart.   Bought  a  new  wireless  jet pack  and  a  new  keyboard  for  the  laptop.  All  is  good  until  we get back.  Will  probably  have  to  buy  a  new computer.  Darn!

There are a few things I wanted to mention about Montana  that  I  hadn't  included  earlier.  In Butte there is  a huge  statue of  the  Virgin  Mary.  It  is  90'  tall  and  48' wide.  It weighs  51 tons and is  made  of  concrete.  The  project   was  started  in 1979 and finished  in 1985.   It   is  an  amazing  site  to  behold.  We didn't go up to the statue,  but took the first picture from our campsite.   It  is so far away that I had to use my zoom to  even  see this  much of it.  I have a very nice camera, but  I  was surprised how much I could zoom into the picture that I  took and get this much detail.

I bet I got your attention with that headline.  Traveling between  Glacier National Park and Billings, we saw this billboard several times.  The festival lists several dates. They are past, but I think this is one that we would missed anyway.  Can only be for Rocky Mountain Oysters, a delicacy that I have never tired and never will.

I saw something that I  had  never  heard  of  before.  Denny had  because  he  was  a farm  boy  in Nebraska when he was young. At the gas stations, there was colored diesel and clear/uncolored diesel.  it is for farm  machinery only. If you get caught with it in your cars, you are fined $8000.  That is because it means you didn't pay the road tax.    It  is about 20 cents cheaper.

Montana is alot prettier than we both thought.  We believed eastern Montana is flat, but it is actually lots of rolling, green hills.  Locals said that this is the greenest Montana and North Dakota have ever been because of so much rain.

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