Thursday, September 4, 2014


Sept  3rd and 4th

When we first decided to leave early to see parts of the country that you can't see in the winter, we had a whole other agenda. We  were  going  to  see GNP,  the  Tetons,  and   the  area  of  Taos/Santa Fe   in New Mexico.   A   few  days  before  we left,  I  noticed  that  we  hadn't  seen  any  of  the  northern  states  of  Minnesota,  Wisconsin and Michigan.   The  nice  thing  about  retirement  is  that  you  can  change  your mind  at the last minute.  We still wanted to see the GNP so we  just started  traveling  east.  It  is  over  700 miles to  get  thru  Montana  and  into  North  Dakota.  It  was  recommended  to me by  my  cousin  to see  Butte.  It  is  an  old cooper  mining  town  with  alot  of  history.  I  love to  see  the  old  history  of any  town  or  area  we  are  in.  

These are pictures of the old Berkeley Pit Open Mine.   It was a hole 1800' deep and 3 miles around the outside. When it closed, they let the water back in. It has the acidity of vinegar, notice how clear the refection is of the clouds and sky. It is crystal clear. 

It is so clear that the top of the dark line is the waters edge.  I thought that it was a different coloring of the rock, but it is the reflection from above. As you can see, the water has almost gone to the top of the original hole.

As for my goal, I found another geocache within walking distance of our campground around a nature trail. YEA, I'm on a roll.

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