Thursday, September 18, 2014


Sept 9th-16th

We decided to stay here 7 days because we had been traveling to a different area every few days. This was also our first campground that we belonged to so it was only $10 per night. 

Minnesota is called the Land of 10,000 Lakes. Being here, we can certainly understand that.  Every few miles is a lake, more than I have ever seen.  Beautiful area, lots of green rolling hills and lakes, big and small.

In town, there is a lot of public art. I like that.  In Seattle there are pigs, in Detroit Lakes, fish. i think these fish are here year round, in Seattle the pigs are only once a year for charity

The park we were in is very nice but the concrete pads are certainly not level as you can see by the picture.  Looks like the RV is very crooked,  but  this is what Denny had to do to get us level. 

There was one winery in the area. I never thought they could grow grapes in MN, much too cold.  To be labeled a MN wine, 50% of the grapes have to be grown in MN.  They grow certain varieties that are meant to withstand the cold winters. In fact, last year was so cold that most wineries lost their vines, so the state waived the rule for that harvest. The wine we bought was a few years old, so we got a true MN wine. They grow Frontenac and Marquette varieties. 

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