Sunday, September 28, 2014



The 2nd place my parents said was beautiful in Wisconsin was Door County. It is a very narrow peninsula above Green Bay  in the upper most northeast part of the state.  It is only 70 miles long and probably 15 miles at the widest.  When you drive you can always see water on one side or the other. It is beautiful and the fall colors are just coming out.  The east side borders Lake Michigan and the west, Green Bay. 

I keep seeing this guy wherever I go

At the tip there is a ferry to Washington  island.  Beautiful day for a drive

Driving from the Dells to Door County  had a very typical small town Americana feel.  Alot of the barns have  quilt patterns on the side.  We were never able to stop in a good place for me to take a picture. Everywhere was  very picturesque, with town centers, old small  homes and tree lined streets. It harkens you back to another era.  

Our campsite

 Since we started our travels, we have had all kinds of weather. I started out in t shirts and flip flops and then onto sweatshirts and even my down jacket.  Since we have been here, it has been back to t shirts. So Nice!  We are leaving tomorrow and just in time. Next week is suppose to be rainy.  We are chasing good weather. We could easily stay longer in each place,  but fall/winter is approaching. We want to be out of the northern states before the bad weather starts.  Amazing that October is just in a few days.

As we were driving up to the tip, we couldn't get over how many places were so completely decorated for fall with pumpkins, pumpkins and more pumpkins.  Seems like every small business and house was decorated. Very pretty!

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