Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bizarre car and straws

We visited a car museum at Balboa Park. This is the strangest car I've ever seen. It is a late 1940's Cadillac. This man bought it for camping, but did some modifications. He took the back seats out to put in a toilet/washing machine. The washing machine/toilet is behind the ironing board. You can see the agitator and hole. You can also see in the picture there is an ironing board, iron and stove. Put everything away and it looks normal. There is also a sink, mirror and electrical outlet that you can't see.

He drove this car nonstop from Alaska to Mexico. Also from California to New York. Literally, nonstop. There are boards on the outisde of the car that he used to change tires. Also got gas from slow moving trucks. He had a team of 3 other men. Would hate to be inside for the entire way. It is a chemical toilet. Oil and water are changed automatically. We saw a film on it or I wouldn't have believed it.
There is the shower on the outside. I doubt if he used this on his crosscounty tours, just when his wife and he camped.

The film showed a guy getting onthe outside rails and taking a drink while the car was still moving. This was on the back passenger bumper.

I had a lot of mouth/gum surgeries in the last few years so my teeth are very sensitive. I have to use a straw for cold liquids. We went to Sea World. They only give out paper straws because of the animals. Paper straws are GROSS. The taste was really strange. I threw mine away. I vowed to take my own straw to the next place. Of course, I forgot. Went to the San Diego Zoo and their Wild Animal park. They don't even give you a straw because it is bad for the animals. Had a hard time drinking anything. It is amazing, they are so concerned about the animals but their recycling efforts are way behind Washington's. They only recycle aluminum and plastic. I haven't found anyplace that takes even newspapers or glass. At the grocery stores, I have never seen anyone use a cloth bag, only plastic. I did bring my cloth bags, but I feel way ahead of everybody here. What is up with all that. I thought California was suppose to be so green. HAH!
We were actually cold yesterday. I guess we are getting used to the climate. We went to Baboa park and froze. It didn't get up to what it said it would-only 55 degrees. I know everybody reading this is going to say we are becoming wimps. We couldn't wait to get home and have some hot tea.

More touristing tomorrow.

Bye for now.

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