Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Maintenance, Maintenance, Maintenance

Denny relaxing on Christmas Eve. It was a strange Christmas Eve because we usually have about 20-25 relatives over.

Maintenance never ends, even in a trailer. We had a mystery leak under the sink. He couldn't figure it out and it really bugged him. Finally decided it was the filter. Hopefully a $2 part from the hardware store will do the trick.

The toilet is another matter. There is a small leak. Went up to Camping World to order a part. Perfect, it would be in on Dec 28th. Now, they say, not til after the first of the year. We are leaving on the 6th. They can't send it anywhere else unless you order it online. If it isn't here, we have to cancel, order it online and just get it when we get home. Oh well, the perils of traveling.

More touristing, more sun, more fun

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