Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Border Patrol

We are only 20 miles from the Mexican border. The border patrol comes thru the park quite often. There is a gate at the end of the park that they unlock and go thru up into the hills. You can see them driving all over the hills, day and night. Every time we go outside the park, you see their pickups everywhere.

Did a little more touristing. Went to the San Diego Zoo. Liked that much better than Sea World. It was a lot less crowded and more interesting to us. We had to pay $12 to park at Sea World. There are alot of places to see around here. Good thing we will be here for 3 weeks.

Getting into the mode of being a snowbird. We signed up for a Christmas Day potluck and a New Years Eve dinner. That isn't a potluck. They are having a dance afterward. Not sure what type of music, but I think big band.

Nice not to have to go to the gas station everyday. When you are on the road, you stop everyday. We get 9 to 12 miles to the gallon. Good thing gas has gone down from last year. It is more expensive in Ca.

Did laundry for the first time. By the time I got back to the trailer, I was missing some socks of Denny's and mine. Followed the road back and found both his and mine lying on the road. Then realized I was missing a kitchen hand towel. Denny went back to check in the washers and dryers and NOTHING. I guess there are thieves everywhere, even in the senior set.

We talked to one couple from Canada. They were in their very early 40's. They had a huge 42' motor home. They had been full timing it for 5 years. My question, which I didn't ask is, what in the world they did to afford to retire at such a early age and buy that motor home. It is several hundred thousand dollars. I wish I could have retired 20 years ago. My oh my.

It is a beautiful day. Not sure how warm, but we are in T shirts. Not a cloud in the sky. It had been in the 80's for a few days, then went down to around 60. We even had rain and chilly temps yesterday. Loving the warmth.

When we get home in the spring, I thought we would be done traveling for the year until next fall or winter. We would take short trips but nothing real long. Denny is enjoying himself so much that he is talking about taking a summer trip to the Tetons. We went there in 96, when he retired. It is beautiful and he wants to go back. Also Yellowstone. We might be traveling more than I thought, which is just fine with me.

I will have to say, I have discovered 2 things I hate about retirement. First, COOKING! Most of you know that I hate to cook. When I worked nights, I would fix a crock pot dish and Denny would eat it all week. Good thing he doesn't mind eating the same thing a few nights in a row. Now that I'm retired, I feel like I have to cook more. HATE that. Second, CLEANING. Denny did all the cleaning after he retired. Now that I am too, I feel like I should do the cleaning because he does all the driving and trailer stuff. HATE that. Those domestic things just went right over my head.

Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. How much cleaning can there be in 40x8 feet of trailer (yeah yeah I know. it's 40x12 with the popouts)? We'll be in San Diego in February, you probably won't be there then. You missed a beautiful frost here this morning. Enjoy the sun. It's martini time here tonight. Try this one. Shot of vodka, shot of creme de cacao, shot of butterscothch liqueur, shot of almond milk. Only 336 calories of pure drinking pleasure.
