Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Going, Going, Gone. I think

Dec. 9, 2009

I think we are finally all set to leave this Friday, Dec. 11th. We had planned on leaving last Monday, but Denny got a really bad cold so we decided to postpone it a few days. You have to be on top of your game to drive that long of rig. We hadn't winterized our 5th wheel because we thought we'd be gone by now. Because of the cold snap, we had frozen pipes in the Monster. Denny was not pleased. He got those thawed today so we are back on schedule. We plan to go to Albany or Eugene Oregon on our first day. Might be too much for our first day, we'll see. My folks traveled for over 20 years, so we are just following in their footsteps. Hope we do as well as they did. Wish us luck.

Had a last get together with my family. Mom and Dad are looking pretty good for 91 and 87 years old.

My brother Ray and sister in law Mary

My first cousin, Laverne

We will miss both of our families and our friends, but the road is calling. It is getting stronger and stronger.
We love you all

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