Thursday, December 17, 2009

Howdy from San Diego

We finally found heat!

We are in a Thousand Trail Park outside of San Diego. As soon as we got here yesterday, we put on T shirts and I put on flip flops. This morning at 9:00 am, it was 60 degrees. We are loving it. Are you jealous yet?

Cell service is bad except for one spot in the park, so I won't be calling people very much. Same for Internet. You have to go to one building, so I won't be updating the blog very often, maybe once a week. That is the lazy in me.

Denny and I make a good team. He knows everything in the trailer and truck and is a very skillful driver. He can fix anything that goes wrong. I am the official navigator. It is my job to keep us on the right road so we don't get lost. I also figure out where we are staying next and make reservations if needed. Many years ago, I did get us lost outside of New Orleans. Trying to get us unlost is kind of tricky in a 5th wheel. Of course, that was the only time it happened in 7 months. Hopefully it won't happen now.

We forgot a few things. Some important, some not. Denny forgot a ladder, that one of the imoortant things. Also, our son gave us a propane gas outside firepit. It is a very cool thing, but we forgot it. Also didn't bring any cleaning supplies. Maybe that is because I don't like cleaning and anything domestic.

Traffic going thru LA was hectic. They have a couple of jogs for I-5 that can get you in the wrong direction if you aren't paying attention. I got us thru it tho. I am the hero! It was bumper to bumper for many, many miles. Hope never to do that again. Whew, very tense.
I had told you how great the GPS is. Well, we had one GPS failure. I put in the park address we wanted to stay in a few nights ago it wouldn't recognise the town. We tried to find it on our own, using the trailer Life Directory directions and couldn't find it either. We finally just got back on the road and stayed at the next one we could find.

We will be here for 3 weeks and then on to a Thousand Trail Park in Palm Springs. We will soak up more heat, see how the rich live and visit the Joshua Tree National Park. Then on to Az for a while and then to Texas. I have amny relatives there plus some that winter over in Mission Texas. Hope to join them for awhile.

Bye for Now
Miss you all, but having fun

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