Sunday, December 20, 2009

Relaxing and Touristing

Sunday, Dec. 20, 2009

We had 2 hectic days and now we are relaxing. That is the good thing about retiring. You don't have to do things at a go, go pace. We had to go Camping World a few days ago. Something already wrong in the Monster. Not a big deal, fixable, it was from it sitting for so long. Then on to shopping. Some of you know that I DO NOT do Walmart. I know their prices are good, but, it is just my little protest about their business practices. When you are traveling, it is nice to do one stop shopping, especially when you don't know where stores are. Went to Walmart for the first time since our trip in 1996. I guess convience wins over principles until we get back. Oh well. It was very, very crowded and hectic. That s also another reason I don't do it either. We certainly spent a lot of money on things we thought we brought, but didn't. We had lists, but they certainly didn't do a lot of good.

We did our first touristing yesterday. Went to Sea World. Wow! It has been years since we have been to a theme park and we are so out of touch. The price was $70 per person. We had gone a long way, so we paid. They also talked us (me) into an additional price for Premier Seating, which was SO NOT worth it. It was fun and interesting to people watch. We acted as fashion police.

Even Denny got into it. What is it with short, shorts and knee hi UGGS? Isn't that a contradiction? So many other strange combinations. I'm sure they looked at us and thought how plain we are. Not as many sandals and short/capri's as I thought I'd see. It was hot, at least for us. Our summer temps are their winter ones. Saw a lot of jeans, tennis shoes an some jackets.

I understand that California is broke and you can certainly tell. The roads are in terrible condition and most restrooms are closed. When they are open, the maintenance is terrible.

It is 80 degrees. Seems a little strange, but wonderful, for December. We haven't been in any department stores, but we haven't seen a whole lot of decorations for Christmas.

We have been to Wall-Mart, Camping World, Home Depot and Walgreen's. Maybe people don't get into decorating as much in the warmer climates. We have been thru a few neighborhoods and didn't see lights. Doesn't seem like Christmas. We didn't put out any decorations until we got here Dec. 16th. We only brought a few because you don't want to take up a lot of room for something that is only up a few weeks.

Bye for now, Love to all

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