Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Chiricahua Apache Indians

East of Bensen is the area where the Chiricahua Apache Indians lived. With the desert and rolling hills, you can really imagine the Indians riding their horses and seeing them on the ridge, just like in the movies. The day we went there was very cold and windy. We were in our fleece jackets. It is 67oo' at the top of the mountain. In the picture below, you can see Denny walking the path back up. Notice the snow to the right. The path is very uneven.

Another picture of the path leading down. Hard to see, but there is ice on part of the steps, making it very hard to walk on. Luckily the handrail was there. We had planned to go on a mile trail, but it was too cold and windy. We had warm jackets on, but we also needed hats and gloves to be comfortable.
These are the pinnacles that were formed millions of years ago from volcano's.

Many of the rocks are balanced in such a way that you can't imagine how they stay there without falling down.
An overview of all the pinnacles.

This was an amazing place to see.

After we came down into Wilcox, we went to the oldest continually open store in Az. It is said that even Geronimo even shopped there.

We had lunch in an old railroad car in Wilcox. We really didn't expect to find such good food in a small town in the middle of nowhere.

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