Friday, March 5, 2010

Saguaro National Parks & the Sonora Desert Museum

A couple of the "must see's" are the 2 Saguaro National Parks, east and west and the Sonora Desert Museum. I never thought much about cactus before, thought how dull. I like trees. Until you really see a lot of cactus and how odd and colorful they can be, you don't realize how beautiful they really are. The desert museum is wonderful. It is a world class zoo, natural history museum and botanical garden all in one. The Indians used all parts of the cactus for food or clothing. Nothing went to waste. I bought several food items using the prickly pear cactus. That is the one below that has round leaves. I have seen it in the vegetable department in stores up north. I bought prickly pear iced tea, syrup and honey. So far, Denny doesn't like the iced tea, but I thought it was good. A very different taste. I'll let you know about the honey and syrup.

This the roadrunner, the state bird of Arizona. Never seen a real one before. I remember it from the Disney cartoons That is Denny's favorite cartoon.

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