Sunday, March 14, 2010

I hate those Senior Moments

We decided to drive to Bisbee Az. It is almost to the Mexican border. I was surprised that it is in the mountains. We drove thru the desert, up into the mountains, rounded a curve and there was the most picturesque town I have ever seen. The Senior Moment is that I forgot my camera, water and purse. What a time to be without your camera! Also had no ID, credit card or money. Luckily Denny had cash. I have never forgotten everything all at the same time before.

There is a Copper Queen Mine tour there. There are many copper mines in the area. That is what Bisbee was all about in the 1800's and early to mid 1900's. At one time it was the biggest town between St. Louis and San Francisco. The mine tour was amazing. It is a horizontal mine. It took us 1500' into the mine and we were 300' below the top of the mountain. We were in a mine car with a 9" bench that we straddled with our legs. We had hard hats, slickers and a hand held battery powered lamp. Neeeded the lamp and hard hat, but I think the slicker was just for effect. Really made you realize all that the miners went thru, using only hand held tools, mainly a pick and shovel. That mine closed in 1949, but the other mines in the area didn't close until 1975. Our tour guide was a retired miner that worked in one of the other mines until it closed. It was very interesting to hear his stories. When he started in 1954, he made $3.50 per hour. That really wasn't too bad a wage for those days.

After the tour we went into Bisbee. We wanted to have lunch in the hotel restaurant. It looked like you would expect the Cartwright's from Bonanza or the sheriff from Gunsmoke to walk in. They only had one waiter so we went across the hall to the Saloon. They served the same food. It was pretty good, better than I expected. The hotel was built in 1881 and is still open. After we finished, it was too late to wander around town, but there is always next year. It is a beautiful town.

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