Friday, March 5, 2010

White Dove of the Desert

We visited the Mission San Xavier del Bac, about 10 miles south of Tucson. It was built in the early 1700's by Mexican missionaries. It is amazing the workmanship and knowledge that they had many years ago. It is so beautiful that it is called the White Dove of the Desert. Outside of the Mission, Indians on the reservation were selling Indian Fry Bread with various toppings. I had heard of it, but never had it before. It is like a tortilla, but very light and puffy. It was wonderful. We had an Indian Taco, but it is also delicious with cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on top. I bought a package of it somewhere else and hope I can make it. Of course, the way I cook, that is probably wishful thinking.

This is the front of the alter area. The tall white candles are on the alter.

This is one of the side chambers.

The chamber on the left is the alter. Each side has a separate chamber. The detail is amazing. The top of the dome is 52 feet high.

Front view

Side view of the entire complex

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