Sunday, March 7, 2010

What is a DOOF?

We went to the Colossal Caves south of Tuscon. Next to it is a 130 year old working ranch. As we were looking around the ranch, I came across this metal chime moving with the wind. For some reason, I was reading it right to left and I was stymied to what is a DOOF. Finally asked Denny and he said it was FOOD. What a concept. I was laughing so hard, I was bent over and no sound was coming out. I probably shouldn't point out something making me look and feel so stupid, but you have to be able to laugh at yourself. That night I was still laughing at myself. How stupid I felt. I guess old age is my excuse.

This a phone booth from the 1920's. The explanation is in the next picture.

The Colossal cave is between 12 and 20 million years old. This picture gives you an idea what it was like inside. The steps and floor are uneven. Have to really watch yourself. My camera battery went dead inside the cave. I had been afraid of that. Hard to change batteries in a dark cave. We were walking right behind the guide. She heard me telling Denny about my batteries. She stopped and positioned her flashlight on my camera so I could put new ones in. That was so nice of her. Nobody seemed to mind, everyone was taking pictures. None of them really turned out well enough to show you because I didn't know how to slow the speed down. I just used my flash. These caves were discovered it the late 1800's. In 1933 the CCC ( Civilian Conservation Core) put in floors and handrails. It took 2 years and they were paid $1.00 per day. Can't imagine how they did it. They stayed at the neighboring ranch where the DOOF sign was. There are tours that you can go on that you carry a rope and a lighted hard hat. No floors or rails.. No Thank you. Our tour covered 1/2 mile and went up and down the equivalent of a 6 and 1/2 story building. The cave is 3 and 1/2 miles long.

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