Friday, March 5, 2010

Hee Haw--It's a Rodeo

We got to Tucson Thursday, Feb. 25th. We only had to travel 60 miles from Casa Grande. The Tucson Rodeo was going on, so off we went. I have never been to a Rodeo and Denny hadn't been since Darin was 5 years old. He is now 42. The Tucson Rodeo is one of the top 20 in the country. We looked a little out of place because we didn't have the cowboy hat, boots or big silver buckle, but we had a fun time. The show started out with Mutton Bustin', but it was so fast I couldn't really get a good picture. It was so cute. The first category were 4 year olds on a sheep, riding bareback. They didn't go far, but it was adorable. They just got right back up like it was no big deal. The age groups went up from there.

The picture below is of the bareback horse riding. Look at his position. Can't imagine those guys don't have back problems. Can't remember what the time limit was. Some made it, some didn't.

Below is the Barrel Racing. Only girls do it. Didn't see any girls doing horseback riding, roping or bull riding. Is that sexist or what! Probably too dangerous or something. This age group is 16 years old.

Below is the bull riding. The time is 8 seconds, but not very many guys lasted that long. Wouldn't catch me out there. During the rodeo, there were several injuries.

Now this guy looked even more out of place than we did.
We went on a Friday, a beautiful day about 75 degrees. The finals were on Sunday. It rained an inch that day. The place was one big mud hole, but the show must go on. I'm so glad we didn't go that day. We knew it was suppose to rain that day, so we stayed around the RV.

For the first time, I picked the wrong RV Park. I had a feeling when I made the reservations that I had made a mistake. Thought of changing, but never got around to it. Big Mistake. The park itself is fine, in fact it has the best hot tub so far. The problem is that it runs parallel to the freeway, plus on the other side of the freeway is a railroad track. The trains run several times day and night. We haven't had a good nights sleep since we got here. We really like Tucson and will come back next year, but not at this park. The people are very friendly, but too noisy for us. There are some full time people here. Not sure how they can stand the noise.

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