Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Time changes are hard

We finally left Az.

We had been there over 2 months, time to move on. Because Arizona doesn't do the daylight savings time, we gained 2 hours in 1 day. Took us a few days just to get back in sync. When we traveled to New Mexico we gained an hour from daylight savings time. Then we went to Texas and gained another hour because we went to the Central Time Zone. Tough enough, changing just one hour, let alone two.

We haven't really traveled much in one day since we got to San Diego on Dec. 16th. The towns we have gone to haven't been that far apart. In fact, our last 3 moves were only 50 miles each. For 3 days we traveled around 300 per day. First we got to El Paso. Next night we were in Fort Stockton. Now we are at Lake Medina, about 20 miles north of San Antonio. We stayed here for 5 days because it is such a nice park. There are lots of deer here. Sometimes I have seen as many as 11 deer, just looking out from the windows. They wander all over the park. One day, as I was looking outside, I saw lots of deer, squirrels and a new type of bird. Felt like I was in a zoo. I thought it was black, but when the sun hits it, it is a beautiful midnight blue shade It has a long tail, kind of looks like a roadrunner, but wrong color Wonder what it is? I have never seen it flying, just walking.

After we rested a few days, getting used to the time change, we went sightseeing. A few miles from here are some Caves. This is our 3rd set of Caves we have seen on this trip. These were different than we had ever seen. It is a living cave, with lots of water. The pathway is very rustic, you have to be very careful. There is a lot of water on the stones. I almost slipped and fell. Indistinctly I reached out to brace my fall. I accidentally touched formations, which is a no-no. Glad the guide was in front of me. In some places, you barely squeeze thru. Sometimes there are handrails, but none in the area I was in. There are several pools of water. Amazingly, we saw several plants. Most people thought they were fake, but they were real. In the back of the cave was a 90' waterfall. There were areas so low that we had to bend over to get thru. I took several pictures, but will show them later. For some reason, I can't upload any of them. I'm sure it is just some dumb thing I'm doing or not doing.

Tomorrow we are heading to Mission, Texas. That is about 30 miles from Brownsville, the very tip of Texas, I have relatives that live in IL. that are wintering in Mission. We are going to spend a few days with them and head to Odessa, Texas. That is in West Texas. I have relatives in Odessa, Midland, Southlake and Plano. The last 2 towns are close to the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

The park we are in right now is in what people call the hill country of Texas. In spring,the hills come alive with flowers. When we leave tomorrow, we will be going right thru the best area. Because of all the rain, this year will be the best show they have had in along time. There are lots of bluebells and other flowers. Should be beautiful.

West Texas certain has a lot of wind. We didn't get much sleep in Fort Stockton because of a wind storm at night. Denny thought the winds were at least 30 MPH. You really feel the wind in an RV, especially up in the bedroom area. That is also another reason we had a hard time with the time change. No sleep that night.

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