Sunday, April 4, 2010

Deep in the Heart of Texas

On our way to Mission we stopped at Lake Medina, a Thousand Trails park 15 miles NW of San Antonio. We really liked the park. Every site had a lot of trees around it. Felt like home.

There was a lot of deer wandering all over the park. They come right into your campsite.
This was taken from the front steps of our RV
We have been to several caves along the way. This cavern was different than any of the others. It is a wet cave, with several pools of water. It even had a 90' waterfall in the back. This picture shows how far we had to stoop to get around the cave. As short as I am, in several places, I had to bend over at the waist to get thru. There were several ferns growing. A lot of people thought they were fake because it is very unusual to see anything green growing in a cave. The walkway was very primitive and sometimes slick. I almost fell. I put my hand out to catch my fall and touched the wall. That is a no no. Touching harms the formations. We were walking so close that it was instinct to catch my fall. Luckily the guide didn't see it. OOPS!
We had to go to the next town for groceries. It was Bandera, the Cowboy capital of the world. A lot of the small Texas towns have beautiful old courthouses. This was built in the early 1800's.
Isn't this the cutest little thing you have ever seen? We saw this in a camp where we stayed in El Paso. I have seen the inside at RV shows and it certainly doesn't hold much. We can't imagine this for even just a weekend. Too small for 2 people ,can't even imagine even 1.

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