Thursday, April 15, 2010

So long Kansas and Oklahoma

Since we are on our way home, I thought I would put some thoughts down about where we have been.

We only went to Kansas to see the factory that built Hitchhiker. I can't imagine any other reason to go there. It is pretty flat, not much to see. Not much green. There were some rolling hills, but not much.

I will say that Oklahoma was a little more scenic. Green rolling hills with some trees. When you think of small town America, Guthrie was exactly what you'd be picturing in your mind. If I HAD to live in Oklahoma that is where I'd be.

I can't imagine why anyone would live in Oklahoma or Kansas. They are right in the middle of Tornado Alley. WHY, WHY? Why live in a place known for tornado's! You can lose everything in a second. I know there are a lot of people who live there that love it. This is just my opinion.

I can't imagine why Dorthy wanted to go back to Kansas with Toto. We passed the area where the Ingalls family had their farm in Little House on the Prairie books. After seeing it, I can certainly see why Papa Ingalls had such a hard time making a living.

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