Thursday, April 29, 2010

Visiting Yosemite--A Mistake

Yesterday we went to Yosemite National Park. I think it is a little early in the year to do it. When we left, it was a little cloudy and chilly. We had to dress warmer than we had in months. I had to put on socks and closed toed shoes. Yuck! It was between 32 and 38 degrees. By the time we got up to the main area, parked and walked to the Visitors Center, the weather had taken a turn for the worse. It started raining, sleeting and snowing . We spent a couple of hours there looking at stuff. The clouds were down to almost ground level. Just about the time we left, it started seriously snowing. It was sticking to the roads. It is a very curvy, steep downhill drive. I was a little nervous. We were on the outside with no guardrails. YIKES! Denny put it in 4 wheel drive. I was so glad we got down out of the snow. By the time we got home, it was raining very hard. It hasn't stopped. Hope it stops by the time we leave tomorrow morning.
This was taken on the way up before it got too cloudy

This is Bridalveil Falls. The most famous is Yosemite Falls, but we couldn't see it. It is the tallest falls in the U.S. Also couldn't see El Capitan ( 7569 ft) and Half Dome (8836 ft) . Those 2 mountains are very popular with rock climbers.

Yosemite is very beautiful and we really want to go again but at another time of the year.

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