Friday, April 16, 2010

More pictures of the Painted Desert and Petrified Forest.

Millions of years ago this area was a tropical forest. There was a flood and all the trees were several thousand feet below the water. Over millions of years, the silica from the sand turned all the wood to stone. Because of eruptions, the trees came to the surface. They are lying all over the Park. Some are cut in lengths. No saw was used, all from nature.
This picture is a little out of order. I took a picture of Denny at the base of the tree. This picture shows the length. It is called Old Faithful.

This is Newspaper Rock. Large boulders fell off a cliff, exposing petroglyphics made by ancient Indian people. Wonder what they are trying to say?

The Petrified Wood is lying all over

I took this to show the size of some of the trees. Remember, this tree is millions of years old. It was much larger at one time. This is the root of the tree in the first picture.

I took so many pictures. This is just a few.

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