Sunday, April 4, 2010

8315 miles and still counting

We went from almost the southern end of Texas to West Texas. It was quite a drive-2 days. We went to Odessa where my aunt, uncle and niece live.

When we arrived, I checked our total miles--8315! WOW.

Seems like alot, but we have been gone over 3 1/2 months. Had a good time visiting. It is very windy anywhere in West Texas. It is flat so there is no break for the winds. On our way up, we saw our first oil wells. Sometimes as far as you can see. Lots are dead, but quite a few still pumping. Wouldn't it be nice to have an oil well on your land.

In this picture, you can see how windy it is by my hair. We are in the back yard of my cousins new house. There are 3 bench swings in the back yard.

This is my Dad's sister, Laura and her husband Emmett. They were born in IL., but they have lived in Odessa since 1959. After a while, you acquire the Texas accent. They talk like natives.
This is my first cousin, Denise, her husband, Richard and their 2 twin boys. We are at their new home. They will move in April 17th. It is a beautiful 5000 sq. ft home. The back yard is huge and faces the golf course. The kitchen is over twice as big as ours at home.
We were in Odessa over Easter weekend. Sat., we went to the Country Club for lunch and Easter egg hunt. Amazing. The club hid 5000 eggs for the different age groups. At the drink table, there was ice tea, lemonade and water. It was all in the huge urns with spigots. Instead of getting it yourself, there was a lady to pour it for you. The lemons were the biggest I have ever seen.

On Sunday, we went to the Easter brunch. This is how the other half live. Most of the men had suits/ties or sport coats on. We didn't bring real dressy clothes. Denny had on a dressy shirt and slacks. No tie. I had brought one pair of dress slacks and a few blouses. At the last minute, I had to put on another blouse. One shrunk in the drawer, just like my bathing suit. Wonder why. We looked like we belonged.
Alot of the kids were very dressed up. Some boys had suits on. Even if they didn't, they all looked dressed up. I think the South dresses for occasions more than other area's. No polo shirts for guys. The food was excellent. The Country Club was a very nice place.

Had a great time visiting with my relatives. Denny did some maintenance on the truck while we were there.

On to Dallas!

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