Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Greetings from Yosemite

We are in a campground just outside of Yosemite National Park. We are in the Sierra Mountains. It feels like a park we would find at home. It was a beautiful drive up here from Fresno. First the rolling hills of farmland and grapes. Then we started climbing up into the mountains. Very curvy, but good paved road. Today we relaxed and didn't even leave the RV. We were tired. Yesterday we had a very long driving day. Night before last we were in Needles, Ca. We left early to cross the Mojave Desert before the high heat of the day. Because we left so early, we got to our designated goal of Bakersfield by 12:30 PM. That was too early to stop so Denny decided to keep going. It was a good driving day, no wind and not too hot, around 70 degrees. We drove 433 miles in 8 and 1/2 hours. That is our longest day so far. Glad to stop for a bit. Tomorrow we will go to see Yosemite National Park.

The view from our campsite. Sometimes there are 3 ducks paddling around by the log that juts out into the river.

This view is at the back of the park. Below this view is a swimming hole and beach.

It is such a beautiful park that we would stay longer, but this spot is reserved for Friday by someone else.
We were both surprised at the Mojave Desert. It wasn't at all what we expected. When I think of the Mojave, I think of flat, dry, and very little plant life. WRONG! The desert was very hilly. We would go UP and UP then down then Up again. There were some long pulls. Denny had to really watch the transmission and engine heat. It was a lot greener than we imagined. A lot of green scrub brush and wildflowers. Very little brown, mostly green.

1 comment:

  1. Looks beautiful! Too bad the park is booked. Get some good rest before you head home! The kids say Hi! and are excited to see you.
