Sunday, April 4, 2010

Can't get much farthur and still be in the U.S.

The land around San Antonio is called the "hill country". Traveling south to Mission, the fields are covered with wild flowers. They are all shades of blue to purple to salmon to yellow to white. Not sure what the flowers are, except the blue ones are bluebells. You go for miles and miles and this is all you see.

Some of my relatives from IL. winter in Mission. Mission is only about 50 miles from the tip of Texas, Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. They were all my fathers first cousins. Had a great time getting to know them all better. Charles Lee made homemade ice cream. Homemade ice cream is much colder than regular. Charles Lee FORCED me to have 2 bowls. I was so cold I couldn't even zip my sweatshirt up. Also had 2 blankets and it still took me a while to get warm. As you can see, it didn't bother Denny at all.
There were 4 couples. Great people. Laughed a lot. Glad we went down. It was a long way. Texas is huge. It is 801 miles between the east and west coast, 630 miles from north to south.

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