Thursday, April 8, 2010

Our shortest move

We had planned to leave this morning, but it is so nice here decided to stay a few more days.

We wanted 2 more, but this park is completely booked for the weekend. Their busy season starts after spring break. That is the opposite of a lot of winter places. They start emptying out after April 1st. I think it is because of all the sport teams here.

To get our original 3 days here, we had to move to another spot after 2. Then we got 1 more day. This is our shortest move. Before, we have gone from 50 miles to 381. We usually don't like more than 200-250. That makes you stop around 3:00 pm. Nice to get unhooked and settled in early. This move we went only from area to another.

This is the view from our 2nd spot. It is a lot more level than the first one.

Denny took this when I was outside on the computer. Life can't get much better than this.
This RV is across the way. Such a tiny little thing. Not much bigger than the little teardrop RV I showed you in an earlier blog. At least with this one you could stand up. Still not much room. I like our size.

We are leaving tomorrow morning for Chanute, Kansas. That is where our RV was built. We are going thru the factory and Denny wants to ask a few questions. Can't imagine any other reason to go to Kansas. After that, we will probably start for home. In 2 days we will have been gone 4 months. We aren't heading straight home. Too rainy for us! We thought we might go to the Grand Canyon and Yosemite Park. We went by Yosemite on the way down, but they had snow. Not good for the RV.

Tonight we are going to have our first fire. Most parks won't allow fires and we forgot our little outside gas firepit. This park has firepit ring and sells firewood. Looking forward to it.

On to Kansas!

1 comment:

  1. The kids keep asking if you are back yet. :-) They will be happy to hear that you are almost on your way home. We keep telling Elissa you will be home some time around her birthday. I would want to stay in warm weather too. :-)
